Friday, December 6, 2013

Ambien - the first night.....

The most difficult part about relaying my various Ambien adventures is recalling the details.  If you've ever taken Ambien you'll understand that Ambien puts you in in a pretty "stupid" state to say the least.  Within about 15 minutes you could be run over by a bus, fall off of a ten story building, wrestle with an alligator, or do any number of stupid things without waking up.  You're asleep, but also awake enough to manage to go to a convenience store, buy a coke, and go back home (I'll relay the details another time.....). Fortunately for me, my wife finds my actions pretty funny and she is glad to tell me about the ingenious things I've said or done (usually to my embarrassment) the next day.

I'll never forget the first time I popped an Ambien and soon felt the wave of sleep hit me like and ocean hurricane with gale force winds.  Everything was really, really funny (especially me).  I found that I could still talk, but my entire body was asleep.  "This is great" I thought - I can sleep and function at the same time!  The next 10 minutes (and the rest of the night) are a blur, but in my newly found state of functioning, I managed to become a tree.....  According to my wife, I had my hands stretched stretched straight out to my sides while I bent slightly at the hip.  As the wind blew, my branches (arms) and trunk (body) swayed in the wind.  I must have finally gone to sleep because I woke up 8 hours later with only a vague memory of looking where my hands should have been and seeing small branches and leaves!  It was a fun first adventure (at least for my wife).  In retrospect, I guess I'm glad that no birds decided to land on my branches and leave "deposits".  Although I'm not sure what that would have translated into in real life......

Oh Ambien, how well I sleep when I've taken you.  But how completely stupid you make me :-). 

1 comment:

  1. This is really interesting to me! My husband is a pharmacist and when I talked about your blog to him he said one main side effect of Ambien is hallucinations. Woah! I'm waiting to hear about the Coke story…. more stories please! :)
