Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Adventures in Texas

So, I've moved to Texas and I'm loving it so far!  Like most of you non-Texans, I was always a little leery about Texas before moving here.  I had heard stories about Texans and  was pretty sure that I'd be hit up at least once a day by some hillbilly with a shot gun in his hands pointing out that Texas was once it's own country and that we should "secede".  But it hasn't happened so far :-).

I have come across giant statues of Sam Houston and Stephen F. Austin in seemingly remote sections of highway though....and I'm talking like 75 foot tall statues....  Why?  You got me there....

Stephen F Austin
Life has been pretty pleasant here.  One of the coolest/most interesting things about Texas is the "don't mess with Texas" attitude. If you've ever known a Texan then I'm sure you've heard the saying!  I mean seriously, these are people that proudly display the Texas flag in every grocery store, restaurant, and convenience store!  Who else shows pride in their state this way??

And where else can you eat a Tomahawk steak???  I had one of these a few weeks ago at The Taste of Texas (http://tasteoftexas.com/) restaurant and it was amazing!

I'll update the blog as the adventure continues, but I'm loving it so far!


  1. My husband and I are big libertarians and I've heard so much good about Texas it makes me want to live there someday. Although where I live it gets 115 in the summer, it's dry heat. Not sure I can handle the heat of Texas!

  2. We lived in Arizona for a while and experienced the extremely dry heat you're talking about. While it was hot, it was manageable. We'll definitely need a pool here!
