Saturday, May 3, 2014

Matt Damon: The definition of hypocricy.....

So, I'm not really a political guy.  I used to listen to the political shows, but I eventually realized that politicians are corrupt and don't care about you or me even a little bit.  They all talk a big game, claim to be looking out for the best interests of the people they "serve", but in the end it's all just a ploy to make themselves rich and powerful.

Having said that, I couldn't help but read an article this week about Matt Damon (actor, star of many Hollywood films).  As I'm sure most people have heard by now, Donald Sterling (owner of the Los Angeles Clippers NBA franchise) made some questionable comments that caused him to be labeled as racist, even though his girlfriend (miss Stiviano) who started the whole debacle now says that he's not a racist.  Check out the story here:  Donald Sterling

Sterling and Stiviano

So what does Matt Damon have to do with Donald Sterling?  Matt see's himself as a champion and voice for the poor in America.   Do some research on Matt Damon and you'll see what I'm talking about.... By the way, did you see the movie Elysium?

Max Da Costa

The plot of the movie is that in the future a giant halo-ring has been constructed in space to house the uber rich.  The ring is full of ultra-mansions, beautiful landscapes, and of course medical equipment which cures any and all ailments.

Elysium Ring

Matt plays Max Da Costa, a blue collar employee at a production facility on Earth which uses high level radiation in part of it's manufacturing process.  Matt accidentally gets stuck in the radiation equipment, and of course ends up with radiation sickness.  In order to be cured, he hijacks a spaceship and travels to Elysium in search of a the cure-all medical equipment that only exists there for use by the uber rich.

The underlying theme of the movie is that the uber rich have access to many, many luxuries that the rest of us can't imagine (including cure-all medical equipment).  The film is basically a condemnation of the opulent lifestyles lived by the rich and privileged. 

So, imagine my surprise when I read the following article: Matt Damon Clippers .  Could the Matt Damon in this article (who apparently has enough money to buy the Clippers) possibly be the same Matt Damon who so forcefully decries the injustices of the lifestyles of the rich and privileged in Elysium?  Could it be that Matt Damon is considering buying the Clippers whose estimated value is $297 million?  Talk about lifestyles of the uber rich!  If he's so concerned about he plight of the poor, maybe he should consider helping people out instead of buying a professional basketball franchise. Hypocrite through and through.  Maybe Matt should become a politician....


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