Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Adventures in...... ambien camping?

Ok, it's time to break out one of my greatest ambien adventures.  I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to stop laughing at this one.  I don't think it's a secret that ambien brings out the "unreserved" side of
people :-).  If you've seen any of the ambien video's posted on YouTube, you know what I'm talking about.  And for anyone who doubts that these videos are real, think again.  Ambien puts you in an almost hypnotic state where you think you're awake and functioning normally, but are really asleep.  It's weird to say the least.

This adventure began like any other night.  I was getting tired, the kids were in bed, I get up early for work and needed to sleep, so I took an ambien.

I'm not really sure what happened in the following 8 hours, but waking up the next morning was a bit of an odd experience.  I was feeling a little chilly so I reached around for a blanket.  My head was on a pillow and I was laying on something soft so I was a little surprised, to say the least, when my hand encountered "non-bedding" material.  I knew for sure that I had gone to be in my nice soft king size bed, and unless my wife had installed some carpet in the bed during the night, I wasn't in my bed.

Confused, but still mostly asleep I attempted to open my eyes.  Having taken my contacts out the night before didn't help as I tried to process the blurry image that were slowly beginning to appear.  I could see a large object in the distance, and I saw lots of "green".....

At that point my brain was waking up and began to realize that I wasn't in bed.  In fact, I wasn't even in my house!  I suddenly understood what I had been feeling - it was grass!

I opened my other eye and quickly discovered that I was in my BACK YARD!!!  Apparently I had decided that it would be nice to go "camping" so I grabbed a cushion from the couch, a blanket, and marched into the back yard to sleep under the stars!

 The Backyard

Thank goodness it was only 6 in the morning because the next thing I realized was that I was only wearing my underwear!!!!

Cold, a little embarrassed, and laughing I wrapped myself in the blanket and headed indoors.  I can say with complete certainty that I'll never forget the ambien adventure that took me camping :-).  Good thing the sprinklers didn't come on.....

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